Hard worker

New life: how to start it on Monday and not quit on Wednesday?

4 March 2021

Many people at least once engaged in the fact that they made a promise to themselves to start a new life on Monday. But, as usual, after a couple of days there are excuses and promises that from next Monday everything will definitely be different, but for now things do not allow. The beginning is considered the most difficult period of change. However, over time, the novelty becomes a habit and everything becomes easier. And how not to abandon what has been started, psychologists say.  

New life: how to start it on Monday and not quit on Wednesday?

Reasoning for every action

New life: how to start it on Monday and not quit on Wednesday?Psychologically, adult personalities, as a rule, perform actions consciously and with a specific purpose. For example, a person decided to change his financial situation by working as a laboratory assistant in the field of medicine. To do this, he went to university and graduated, becoming a doctor. The same applies to a complete change in the field of activity.

For example, a woman was a teacher, but always dreamed of working in the beauty industry. What does she need for this? Go to courses, study information in open sources, start working to increase your experience. From this we can draw the following conclusion: in order to increase the efficiency of your work, you must first weigh the pros and cons. Only this will help to understand the need for change.

Work on your own discipline

Comparing the upbringing of children today with what it was a couple of decades ago, you can see how discipline was instilled in the younger generation almost from the cradle. Today, however, the approach has changed dramatically. Japan is a prime example of this. There, parents practice the absence of prohibitions for children under six years of age. This is due to the fact that with the onset of this age, their life becomes much more complicated: schools, developing circles, the emergence of self-service responsibilities. And only at the age of six the concept of discipline is introduced. In practice, it is clear that it is in tight control that the path to victory lies, and in order to achieve it, you need to take small steps. And that's completely normal. There are not so many examples in the world when success literally fell on a person's head. For example, a person wants to learn Spanish. To do this, he needs to systematically attend courses, study grammar and rules, devote at least 20 minutes a day to self-study.

New life: how to start it on Monday and not quit on Wednesday?

Keeping a diary

Printed products, especially diaries and notebooks, are now perceived as a relic of the past. But in reality, this is a very convenient format for records that discipline a person. Another issue is the subject and manner of its conduct. It is very good if a person creatively approaches its design using different writing stationery, stickers and drawings. The diary will help to structure your thoughts, highlight the main thing from the flow and focus on it, achieving a good result in your plan.

The need for rest

Today's life is so full of emotions and sensations that they overlap each other, not allowing you to feel their essence. Yes, and the current workaholism adds its negative to inner harmony. In pursuit of a perfect life, a person forgets to rest. It seems to him that he does this while going to the cinema or a cafe, but this is not a feeling of peace. Among other things, rest is hindered by the stereotype of society. As soon as someone lies down on the sofa, the label of a loafer is immediately attached. But what's wrong with letting your mind and body rest? Therefore, one should not be afraid to put pragmatism aside.

The beginning of a new life depends entirely on discipline, reasoning and the ability to relax. It may seem difficult at first, but over time, actions will become a habit, imperceptibly improving the personality.


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