
And again in the New Year!

3 December 2019

December is one of my favorite months.
December is a time of magic and fairy tales! Summing up the results of the outgoing year, making plans for the future - everything is as always. But, as always, I will be extremely frank with you and try to call a spade a spade. This year I don't feel like doing everything according to plan, and there are many reasons for this.
We do not have the results of the year, because new projects were launched just at the end of the year and it is still too early to talk about them. There were difficult moments, and simple, and successful, and not so. This year was generally very difficult, but not with obstacles and defeats, but with some kind of uncertainty and a feeling of “hanging ideas” until better times. And it's not just us! I agree with a huge number of people who also shelved all their projects. The corollary follows from this: making plans for the next year at the end of 2019 is like playing roulette.
This does not mean that everything is bad, by no means. This year we launched a global art project, our youtube channel was released, new faces and new partners appeared for the magazine. At the same time, I want to enter 2020 carefully and start it safely - which I sincerely wish to all our readers! Now I want to stop on our video channel and explain the history and reasons for its creation.
This does not mean at all that the beloved and familiar print version of the magazine and the website will disappear! YOUTUBE channel GORPROEKT JOURNAL is a video continuation of our publication, which appeared as a regularity in the development of the magazine and a trend in modern life.
I have always said that the intonations and timbre of people's voices, eyes, facial expressions say much more than printed letters and photographs “frozen in the moment”. This is what we want to show. Our channel is a meeting with interesting people from different fields of activity and different destinies, a lively conversation about the culture of their life, about business, about problems, about ups and downs, as well as acute topical topics that we have so carefully avoided all these years in print and electronic version.
At some point, I realized that we have very “dietary” materials, where there is little salt, sugar and hot pepper. In 2020, let's allow ourselves to bring diversity not only to our magazine, but also to your life! True, with one caveat: I wish you not to have too much salt in your life, and enough sugar to make you feel happy, and let hot peppers be an adventure in the pursuit of happiness! But remember: happiness is usually very close to you! Happy New Year, our dear Readers!

Maria Solnechnaya

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