
Let's talk neuroscience

15 November 2021

Managing your emotional intelligence

In this article, you will get acquainted with a new tool for working with thinking, why it is relevant and how our brain works, and at the end you will find an interesting practical exercise.
Neurographics is a transformational process of drawing, which, through the drawing of a certain algorithm, passes through all levels of our consciousness and creates new neural connections.

One of the ways to manage your emotional intelligence is to transform internal experiences into positive and harmony.

Difficult, right? Let's simplify:

I like the comparison of the human brain with plasticine.
Remember these Soviet bars of different colors? To make something out of it, you need to warm it up well. Also, the brain, if not used for a long time or doing only the usual things, it becomes very hard, like frozen plasticine. And if you “warm up” it with various new actions, you can “sculpt” anything in your life. And it turns out that neurographics is the simplest and most suitable tool for warming up the brain, increasing our flexibility and neuroplasticity, which is reflected in our real life.
The place where there used to be a wall and there was no movement, after drawing it becomes soft and mobile.

This applies to any topic in life!

All you need is any writing object and a piece of paper. 

You just start drawing certain lines, a certain algorithm and ... oh, miracle, changes in your life begin. Moreover, you can not even believe in it - changes occur at a deep level.  

And now a little history.

Neurographics was invented by Pavel Pisarev in the recent 2014, but it immediately blew up the whole world.
Already now it is being drawn in 38 countries of the world, taught in 5 languages, it is actively used by more than 25,000 painters around the world. It is based on neuropsychology and art.
Human fine motor skills are involved, which have a direct connection with neural networks in the brain. The algorithms and principles of neurographics are also based on Jung's theory and Gestalt therapy.

By drawing certain algorithms, you can create a clear picture of the world, look at the level of the body, emotions and visual those deep processes that take place inside a person, and transform it into a new reality - first on a sheet, and then in life itself. 

Why is it really relevant now? 

Neurographics helps stop the avalanche of stress, fear and depression.
When everything around changes and there is no way to grab onto something familiar, the supports collapse, anxiety flares up inside. And it is through drawing and creativity that we can calm our psyche, introducing it into a meditative state. “We do not draw pictures, but individual tasks, repairing a piece of the psyche in the process of therapy,” says Pavel Piskarev.
With the help of lines, circles, you can transfer all your experiences to the sheet and work with them there.

The mere thought that everything pulling and oppressive can end up on a sheet already gives hope for getting out of a difficult state into a bright, light and positive one.

A happy life is a neural code, a pattern of neurons in the head.

Here are some examples of what algorithms are:
The most common algorithm is the algorithm for removing restrictions.
It is used when you feel that there is a certain barrier through which it is impossible to break through. When there are internal grievances, anger and aggression. When there is a constant feeling of anxiety. When there is simply no strength and nothing works.
Then this algorithm is perfect for this! Through the splash of your emotions on the sheet with a special technique, you can form a new neural code, reach a new level, and from this level the problem will begin to unpack. In the process of drawing, changes can be felt even at the bodily level. By the end of the practice, you will feel lightness and freedom, already tested by many people. There is another powerful algorithm called Neurotree.
It is based on the fact that the whole picture is drawn with lines from the bottom up, and only this helps a person to wake up his vertical reflex. The reflex is to grow, reach for something high, grow your fruits and collect them. For 2-3 hours of such practice, you can gain energy to make great discoveries. And also draw and realize your resources in the past, present and future. There are also algorithms for modeling reality - when you need to write what you want in a drawing.
Neuroportrait - for self-acceptance, revealing intentions, getting out of chaos and much more. In neurographics, there is a graphic alphabet in which we speak with our subconscious.

It is built from 4 elements: circle, square, triangle and line. Each of these elements is responsible for its own state. Try imagining them first or even drawing them and think about what each element could mean.

And now to the description: 

  • The circle is a feeling of harmony, integrity, completeness, security. From ancient times, everything sacred was depicted in the form of a circle - the god of the sun, the halo of the saints, and so on.  

  • The square is stability, support, fundamentality. Remember the buildings that were built in the Soviet period - they are all square and heavy, as they say, because they were built to last!  

  • Triangle. More complex figure. She is responsible for the conflict. On the one hand, it is a conflict as war, conquest, invasion, danger, protection. On the other hand, it is a vector, direction, leadership, achievement, exit from the comfort zone.  

  • NeuroLine is what ties all this together, allows you to create complex compositions, and also weaves our entire drawing into a single outline.
    Did you manage to feel these figures?

A small task from me: 

Try now to pick up a sheet of paper and any writing medium. Think of some troubling task (you can even sign the topic at the top of the sheet) and focus on that state. And then start drawing circles on the sheet. And each circle must be circled several times, the more, the better. And try to draw circles for 5-10 minutes without stopping. I am sure that you will feel how your energy will slowly begin to gather inside again, the state will harmonize, and the feeling of anxiety will noticeably subside.

  Orekhova Maria, Neurographics Instructor @neuro_masha (Instagram)
Alexander Mets @ alexmetsphoto (photographer)

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