Travel blog of Dostoevsky
The Theater of Nations will show a variation on the theme of Dostoevsky's travel essays "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions", staged by Elena Nevezhina. The project is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the writer.In the center of the plot is Dostoevsky's first journey through Austria, England, Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland in 1862. They will show satirical sketches about the relationship between Russians and Europeans, Fyodor Mikhailovich's reflections on the literature and customs of the 19th century.

A scene from the play "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions"
© Photo: press service of the Theater of Nations
“Due to the style of presentation and the variety of topics, such an essay could well end up on the pages of a modern glossy magazine or become a travel blog,” notes Nevezhina. window, your own reflection in the glass, and you start to think about things that you usually don’t have time for.”
The main roles are played by Ilya Isaev and Elizaveta Arzamasova.
Premiere performances - 3, 4 and 21 March.
Experiment of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
© Photo: press service of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
Scene from the play "The Benevolent"
The Theater on Malaya Bronnaya has a new experimental and chamber project - "The Benevolent Ones" based on the novel of the same name by Jonathan Littell.
GITIS graduate Mikita Ilyinchik was not only the first to stage this work in Russia, but also received the approval of the author himself. For fifteen years, none of the Russian-speaking directors could do this.
“When the sketch of the performance was approved by Bogomolov, the theater organized a Zoom meeting with Jonathan for me. We chatted for an hour about cinema, my parents, about my country Belarus, and for some reason he agreed,” the director said.
For the novel in 2006, the writer received the Goncourt and Grand Prize of the French Academy.
The main character Maximilian is a Wehrmacht officer who turned out to be a hostage of events, a cog in the system. This is the story of an ordinary person who, against his will, became the embodiment of evil. Maximilian struggles with inner self-sacrifice, panic attacks, and hatred for his mother. During his service, he visited Babi Yar, the occupied Caucasus, the destroyed Stalingrad, Auschwitz and Berlin.
© Photo: press service of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
Scene from the play "The Benevolent"
The performance takes place in a chamber format. You can get to it by tickets or by invitation - for this you need fill questionnaire on the staging website (free applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis). As explained in the theater, such an experiment is aimed at supporting young directors.
Premiere performances are scheduled for March 4 and 16.
Shakespeare in BDT
The Tovstonogov Theater will show "Juliet" - a variation of Shakespeare's tragedy with an allusion to Aronofsky's "Black Swan". The first performance took place at the end of autumn during the pandemic, when very few spectators went to theaters. So in March, with the removal of quotas, a great opportunity to catch up.© Photo: press service of the Tovstonogov BDT
Scene from "Juliet"
This is a story about how the theater is preparing for the release of the play "Romeo and Juliet". The main role went to an aspiring actress, who enters the professional stage for the first time. Already at rehearsals, she charms everyone around.
The debutante gets used to the role so much that she ceases to understand whether she still loves her young man or whether she is now attracted to a partner playing Romeo. With each rehearsal, the line between reality and theater blurs for her.
The performance was staged by the Estonian creative duo Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo. "In the modern world, love has become an object of consumption: pop songs about it, pink neon hearts in shop windows, an avalanche of fiery red roses and balloons on Valentine's Day," explains Ene-Liis Semper. Tiit Ojasoo agrees with her: "Love has become a sign, a commodity, an everyday accessory among many other everyday images. What can theater add to such abundance?"
The project will show how the line between artistic reality and life disappears and Shakespeare's text is intertwined with the actors' fantasies.
© Photo: press service of the Tovstonogov BDT
Scene from "Juliet"
The main roles in this fantasy are played by young actors Musya Totibadze, Gennady Blinov, Ivan Fedoruk. And in the soundtrack of the production there are Shnur's songs and popular foreign tracks.
Premiere productions are scheduled for 4, 5 and 9 March.
"Close Friends" Vodolazkin
"Satyricon" turned to the theme of the Second World War: Sergei Sotnikov staged the play "Close Friends" based on the novel by Evgeny Vodolazkin.© Photo: press service of the Satyricon Theater
Scene from "Close Friends"
This is the story of three friends from Munich. One of them, a German soldier who reached Stalingrad, returns to Russia decades later.
Unusual history of the creation of the story. It was written after the novel "Laurel". Vodolazkin read an article in a German newspaper about fellow soldiers who fought on the Eastern Front. When one died, the other sealed him in a zinc coffin and drove him around the fronts in search of an aircraft to send to his widow in Germany.
© Photo: press service of the Satyricon Theater
Scene from "Close Friends"
“The story is not about forgiveness, it is about understanding,” says Vodolazkin. “Understanding them (friends. — Approx. ed.), we better understand ourselves. We seem to be reflected in them, just as they are in us. two mirrors that endlessly reflect each other."
And Sotnikov believes that the production will make you think about how a person can preserve humanism in the circumstances of the war.
Performances are scheduled for 4, 5 and 28 March.
Perm ballet
The repertoire of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater includes the resumption of one-act productions of The Jester and Variations on a Rococo Theme by choreographer Alexei Miroshnichenko.Initially, he staged them on the Perm stage in 2011, but these ballets have not been on the playbill for the last couple of years.
© Photo: press service of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater
Scene from the ballet "Naughty Songs, Variations on a Rococo Theme, Jester"
On the whole, both productions have been kept in their original form: Miroshnichenko has added minor touches. It is interesting that the composition of the performers has changed nine years later, but almost half are participants in the premiere shows.
“When new artists appear in the performance, they bring freshness and a new degree, and those who have already danced know all the nuances, musical accents, drawing very well and pass it on to others,” the director notes.
© Photo: press service of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater
Scene from the ballet "Naughty Songs, Variations on a Rococo Theme, Jester"
It is important that both ballets are unique in their own way. The Permian version of "Jester" is an experiment that combines Miroshnichenko's choreography with set design and costumes, which are recreated according to original sketches by futurist artist Mikhail Larionov.
And "Variations on a Rococo Theme" is a choreographic homage to George Balanchine. This is almost the only work by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, which for a long time remained unnoticed by choreographers.
Screenings are scheduled for March 5, 6 and 7.
Up the stairs leading to the RAMT
In the year of the 100th anniversary of the RAMT, he created the audio performance "STO" - a sound-ascent in 238 steps.This is a journey behind the scenes to the stories of Nelly Uvarova, Pyotr Krasilov, Evgeny Redko. Spectators will visit dressing rooms, halls and foyers, learn about the history of General Poltoratsky's house with its famous balls or Alexander Ostrovsky's artistic circle.

Audio performance "STO" in RAMTe
© Photo: RAMT press service
The theater will become a real time capsule - using imagination and headphones, the participants will be able to imagine how Natalia Sats, Oleg Efremov, Anatoly Efros walked along the corridors of the building.

© Photo: RAMT press service
The RAMT warns that during the performance, the participants will have to move a lot and move up steep stairs.
Upcoming performance dates: March 8, 12, 26.
The Moscow Art Theater will talk about feelings and envy
© Photo: press service of the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov
Rehearsal of the production of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov "Conspiracy of feelings"
In the Moscow Art Theater, the artistic director of the theater Sergei Zhenovach will stage a "double" play "Conspiracy of Feelings".
It combines the play of the same name by Yuri Olesha and his own novel "Envy". Interestingly, the Moscow Art Theater already planned to stage "Conspiracy of Feelings", but did not have time: in 1929, the Vakhtangov Theater was ahead of it.
So the current project can be considered revenge and a kind of experiment.

Rehearsal of the production of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov "Conspiracy of feelings"
© Photo: press service of the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov
“At rehearsals, we laugh a lot, we have hooligans, and I want everything to continue like this,” Zhenovach says. “The main thing when you invent a performance is to enjoy yourself.
Rehearsal of the production of the Moscow Art Theater.
A.P. Chekhov "Conspiracy of feelings" © Photo: press service of the Moscow Art Theater.
A. P. Chekhov
The premiere is scheduled for March 30 and 31.