
“It’s hard to keep up with everything, but so far I’ve been able to do it.” (Interview with Vladimir Brilev)

13 October 2020

The name of Vladimir Brilev is known to many music lovers, who were captivated by his rare baritone with a range of 4 octaves. The singer stubbornly refuses to follow the fleeting fashion trends, believing that music, like any living person, does not tolerate insincerity and falsehood. Vladimir's creative life really began from childhood. Already at the age of 12, at the personal invitation of Joseph Kobzon, little Vladimir became a participant in the final concert of the farewell tour of Joseph Davydovich. Vladimir Brilev - candidate of legal sciences, who also graduated with honors from GITIS, holder of many diplomas and awards for creative, professional activities and contribution to the development of Russian culture, member of the Moscow regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front "For Russia!", philanthropist, actor, producer, composer, but most importantly - a talented singer.

GP: Vladimir, what's new in your creative life right now?

VLADIMIR: Very good question!
Creative life is booming. I worked very productively during self-isolation and in the summer. Three new videos were filmed, one of which, for the song "Happiness", has already been released on federal TV channels. The song has already gathered a huge number of fans and is gradually conquering the radio. This lyrical composition will appeal to romantics. Two weeks later, the song "Paper Plane" was released. This is a more danceable composition, in the creation of which the best arrangers, led by Artur Gladkov, took part. I am also preparing for the release of my old song "White Angel" in a completely new sound.
Nine years later, I recorded it with a live orchestra and made a video in the style of the First World War. It will be the bomb! I am very proud of this work and all those professionals and colleagues who watched the video agreed that the clip is very good! It will appear on the screens in about a month. And for Mother's Day, I'm preparing a special surprise for my fans - a video for the song "Mama"! Not known to the general public, but very talented authors, the poet Dmitry Vykhin and the composer Natalya Volchenko, took part in the creation of the song. A fantastic song that I've been working on for three and a half years. In the process of work, I changed about thirty arrangements, because I wanted to achieve the perfect result, and finally, I did it. In addition, a lot of work is underway on new material with Dmitry Konovalov - co-author of the song "Paper Plane" and Alena Samoylenko.

After the song "Dancing in the Rain", which you can already download on all digital platforms or on the radio at the end of October, there will be another song that is still too early to talk about, but I'm sure it will make a splash! As you already understood, this autumn will be generous with premieres. Three new videos, six new songs - my fans are in for a lot of surprises!

GP: Vladimir, if you were offered to leave the country to build a musical career abroad, would you agree?

VLADIMIR: I was offered many times to go abroad and some of these offers were really tempting. I had the opportunity to go to Sweden, Switzerland, France, the USA, Spain, I was invited to Germany a couple of times and several times to Latin American countries. I presented some creative projects abroad, without leaving the Russian Federation. For example, the release of some songs, including Russian-language ones, took place first abroad and only then in Russia.

After considering numerous proposals, now I can answer with confidence that I would never agree to leave the country.  

My whole life is here: my roots, family, loved ones, listeners. I like to go out every day to familiar streets, visit my favorite places, speak Russian with people who think in Russian. It is my choice. I am madly in love with my audience and in general my people, with whom I share the same fate.  

GP: Your genre is hard to define right away. You perform pop, jazz and even folk songs. How would you describe your style?

VLADIMIR: The genre is difficult to define even for myself.

It will sound immodest, but in November last year Elmira Kalimulina and I gathered a full house in the House of Music with the concert program “Romance Lessons”. For eight years, my friends and relatives, including my mother, songwriter Irina Brileva, persuaded me to return to the classical genre, in which I once managed to show my best side. For a long time I did not want to return to the romance, but, as they say, you can’t run away from yourself, and the result only proves it. Therefore, in my repertoire today there are not only jazz, pop, soul, blues, but also romances. If I may, I would describe my style as "soulful songs" and it doesn't matter if they are dance or lyrical compositions.

GP: Who do you listen to in personal and professional matters?

VLADIMIR: I am proud of my inner circle and therefore I listen to the opinion of everyone!

Of course, it always makes sense to filter the information received, highlight the main thing from it and try to make the most correct and simple decision based on this. Personal experience proves that some things are more visible from the outside, so at least the opinion of family members and closest friends should always be listened to. On the other hand, if I am 100% sure of something, I will always take a risk and do as I see fit, even if those close to me do not agree with it.

HP: Who is your listener?

VLADIMIR: I sing for everyone and it's very cool!

Previously, it seemed to me that my audience was exclusively women over 35 years old, but now, looking at reports from various digital platforms, I am happy to be convinced that even users aged 10 years old are listening to my songs! I think the secret is that my songs are very different and a representative of any audience will find something to their liking, provided that he appreciates good lyrics, arrangements, in a word - quality. It is important for me that the listener received food both for the mind and for the soul. People most often come to my concerts just to relax, and I always respectfully give them this opportunity. This is very important for me, because I really think that I have no right to sing badly or be fake on stage, but despite this strictness to myself, every time I perform with great pleasure!

GP: In addition to your career as a singer, you are quite closely involved in tutoring. How do you manage to do everything?

VLADIMIR: I am not really engaged in tutoring, but I really contribute to the development of young talents.
I opened the Magic Express Song Theater under my leadership on the basis of the Semyon Dunayevsky Song and Dance Ensemble, which is located in the Central Children's House of Railway Workers. This is a cult ensemble that turns 75 this year - the same one for which Isaac Dunayevsky (Semyon Dunayevsky's brother) wrote his famous songs. From this ensemble came such talents as Tolkunova, Dal, Silantyev and many others. I give many vocal lessons and psycho-correction sessions as a creative rehabilitation therapist for children and adults. It's hard to keep up, but I've been able to do it so far.

I think the secret is that I enjoy every job I take on. Shooting, interviews, classes with children, with adults, recording at a studio or a concert in the evening - all this is quite possible to be in time and not even feel tired if you are doing your job.

HP: What kind of music do you listen to yourself?

VLADIMIR: I listen to very different music.

I really like what Polina Gagarina has been doing lately, I enjoy listening to Lolita Milyavskaya, old songs by Pugacheva, Kobzon, Eduard Khil, Freddie Mercury, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Earth Wind and Fire, Dayana Roz, Celine Dion, Dalida, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and many others. I listen to a lot of old music, but among the new ones there are many who surprise me. I'm not a big fan of everything that happens on TikTok, because this subculture is usually devoid of meaning. This subculture promotes clip thinking and a lack of introspection. But even there, I can listen to NILETTO songs with pleasure, well, maybe a couple of other names that are now moving in parallel. I enjoy listening to colleagues in the shop and those whom I do not know. I am against taboo vocabulary in texts, against low-grade semantic loads, against “freebies” in arranging and sound-producing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of such material on the market. Teenagers and young people, not understanding their own preferences, begin to call people who produce such material “stars”. I wouldn't be in a hurry if I were them, but who am I to tell them? In the end, time will put everything in its place, I will wait for these people with great pleasure at my concerts in a year, three or five, they will definitely come, I believe in it. Not only that, I know it. I really believe in our Russian viewer, he is very smart, he listens with his heart and soul. No matter how much they “stuffed” him for years, and even decades with “musical fast food”, sooner or later he understands this matter and again comes to those artists who live by their profession, sing semantic texts to good music.

HP: How has the pandemic affected you as an artist?

VLADIMIR: The period of the pandemic in general did not affect my life in the best way.
First of all, because I, like millions of other people at that time, had to go through a breakup. It was difficult, but now personal life gives inspiration again! However, this time was a test not only for the soul, but also for the body. Again, many have faced the problem of excess weight during this period, and I was no exception. It is important for any artist to look good, so 12 extra pounds did not please at all. But even here I can boast that I managed to throw off not only what I gained during the pandemic, but also a few kilograms more. Taking this opportunity, I want to try once again to convince all readers to take precautions!

Everyone knows that the disease has not yet receded anywhere. I myself am tired of endless masks and gloves, but all this is nonsense compared to the danger to which we expose not only ourselves and our loved ones, but the entire economy and social life if we ignore the necessary measures. Respect and take care of each other's health!

GP: What are your creative plans for the near future?

VLADIMIR: There are a lot of creative plans! Four songs are already in production, four more are in preparation. Scripts are being developed for the next three clips. If everything works out, then it will be possible to remove them before the New Year. It is not worth thinking further, because the scope of work for the coming months has already been outlined. However, if a new creative project comes to my mind, I will definitely find the time and energy to implement it immediately!

So see you in life and at concerts! Thank you very much for supporting me, for being there, and I always feel your shoulder. Sincerely and with respect, your Vladimir Brilev.

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