Autumn is the best time to start learning not only for children and teenagers, but also for adults.
In this case, it can be not only the study of some disciplines related to work. Advertising on the Internet rolls over with numerous offers: “know yourself”, become a cool blogger, super-manager of social network accounts and “I will teach you how to earn millions”. This is what I want to talk about.
There are a lot of tempting offers, and many who agree and pay for numerous webinars and trainings.
What do they get? Either brainwashed with visualizations of their desires, or even more castles in the air than before the training. I’ll make a reservation right away - of course, not all training programs are such, and of course there are sensible ones, but there are more questions than answers here. I note that the organizers of the training are EARNING, and in our difficult time this is a gold mine for them, because a huge number of people who have lost their goals, are stuck in depression and disappointment.
Who just now has not begun to teach others ...
Now let's dwell on the details and the general meaning of such training.
Let's take the most common top and hype topics:
"Social network account manager / SMM promotion", "Psychology of happiness" and other various interpretations.
Let's start with the first one.
Solemn promises of mega cool earnings and big money after such training. It's good to hear, but why does everyone run to these courses, and no one asks the most important question - WHERE TO GET CLIENTS? Competition in this market is now hundreds of times higher than demand. And not everyone is ready to pay normal money out of their wallet. Do they teach this in the course? Of course not, because it cannot be taught, as it is a separate specialty associated with "SALES". And they are far from being obtained by everyone even after passing high-quality training. An account is a consumer product.
And for professional promotion (we are now talking about reaching the TOP - which is what your potential clients are waiting for, and not just mediocrity), you need a lot of experience and knowledge, PR, advertising, and marketing skills. Now answer the question for yourself - how can you be taught all this in a couple of three times in a short-term online training and webinar? I can develop it in more detail for a long time, but let's move on to the most popular today - the psychology of happiness. Here the palette is the most diverse.
Setting goals, visualizing desires, working with the subconscious and all sorts of different wisdom, reaching the point of absurdity, which simply will not fit in this speech. How can you teach happiness to someone if it is individual for everyone and can change over time?
Have you thought about it? How can the person who is on the other side of the monitor know that there is happiness for you? The state of happiness is a subtle matter of psychology, and games with the subconscious from the grief of teachers can turn out to be far from positive. And away we go. The results of the students of such programs are approximately the same and they look (of course, we take information from social networks and from our friends) like this:
“I made a wish card and now I’m waiting for it to reach the universe and it will begin to fulfill them” - the main thing is that the sending should not go by the Russian Post, and the Universe will not send the fulfillment of the desire by the CDEK company.
“At the moment I am working off karmic debts.
There are 2 left ... Then happiness will begin ”- more suitable for the description of credit debts, and the main thing here is that the second one should not be from the category of mortgage for 35 years. “I write every day in a special diary, where I record my negative and positive emotions. Every evening I write wishes for the next day ”- can you imagine if everyone studied diligently at school like that! And in this version, apparently, a person has so many desires that they did not fit into the “wish map for the Universe” - apparently there would have been an overload in sending. Just imagine - every day a person has new desires, or he rewrites the same ones, so as not to forget what he wanted.
Forgive the momentary humor, but my opinion was and is this: do not let such business teachers make money on your life.
It's just a business on the wave of general depression. Before you pay for any courses, think about it, maybe the answers are closer than you think? Maybe with this money you can do something very pleasant and warm for yourself or your loved one? And there will be happiness! Let it be possible only for an hour, but this MIG is “life in the moment”. Do not understand how to change your life and cope with the problems that have piled up?
Maybe you should turn to a professional psychologist, and even better a psychotherapist (do not be afraid of this terrible word! This does not mean that you are crazy, but on the contrary, it means that your life and harmony with yourself are important to you!). The final from me will be this: I am always FOR training and development!
It's very cool and develops the personality. But, before choosing a subject of study, you need to think about a few things - the reality of the subject, and not the air, the teacher and what exactly he has achieved in this area, and clearly answer yourself to the main question - “what exactly do I need this training for? and what will happen after. Finally, I will give such an example from the life of “teachers”.
There is a very popular psychologist on social networks and a leading teacher of webinars about happiness and personal motivation. How beautifully she always told in her account about families saved from divorces, how to build her personal happiness with the only and most beloved man, how to make all wishes come true and money flow in an endless stream, and the main thing is how to make this stream “smart” "... After a little time of my observations of this character, a divorce happens in her life, her husband left her, the family did not work out, the main cash flows, as it became clear from individual posts, were from her husband, and the girl's "school" of course brought money, but apparently they were spent "not scientifically". And what a paradox - after a short amount of time after that, I no longer really observe her popularity on social networks. Draw your own conclusions and be careful what you wish for education! You can perfectly set a goal for yourself and go step by step towards it!