A very difficult and controversial February. Despite the New Year holidays, throughout January there is a general depression and loss of strength. A new life did not work out apparently for the majority, as well as a New Year's fairy tale.
In this regard, I want to talk with you not about Valentine's Day, not about the men's holiday on February 23, but about time and pauses.
This is the most important moment for many right now. We have all been told since childhood that time should be valued.
And I will also tell you now - there is no more valuable thing in the world than time. But here one psychological aspect comes. If you start to appreciate it like a diamond, then it will end in psychiatry. And at the same time, you will not even notice the line when you cross the threshold of inadequacy. “Time heals”
“Time will put everything in its place”
Familiar expressions?
Certainly! This is what we live by, every year and every day sighing: “How quickly time flies”, “Time is inexorable ... “Appreciate every minute”. Bach!
A timer is turned on inside the head, where the arrow snaps off every second. Tick-tock..tick-tock... What do you experience in an exam or time trial? Stress! And life turns into one continuous exam, where you do not notice the sun, wind, thunderstorms, love and simple sincere joy. More precisely, you are in a hurry to find this joy - for the sake of time. "There is joy"... And I'll tell you this.
No Thetahealings, which have been popular lately, are not needed, no energy psychotrainings are another way of pumping money and pumping brains. You just need to realize that it is not Time that is a diamond, but your Life is a jewel.
And time should not play a key role in it. The main role is people and events. And It has always been and will be “by itself”.
Time is not subject to us and has millions of roles in the performance of your Destiny. I noticed that people who value time, schedule their days, plan, have diaries - they all wear expensive (differently expensive) watches on their hands and have stylish “sensible” wall or table clocks in the interior as an obligatory element. .
And vice versa. A person for whom a watch is only a guideline “do not oversleep” and “do not be late” uses economical and insignificant versions of these mechanisms in everyday life. In most cases, that's exactly what it is. Now the details.
As a rule, we often repeat the month of January and February, justifying some kind of failure, that these are two short working months ... January rested for half a month, February - holidays and a short month itself. For various reasons, we just lazy, mess around, put it off until tomorrow, look at pictures on the Internet and know that no one will reproach, because for two short months and everyone around is sleeping. And in parallel, an inadequate watch fan is already in a state of “call an ambulance” with a psychological disorder from sleepy masses.
Certainly! He lost 60 days of his time! In the meantime, he was losing them - he did not even feel the taste of food and did not feel the snow falling in huge flakes, did not hear the first words of his little child, did not notice how the dog began to bring slippers, did not pay attention that an orchid blossomed on the windowsill ... All this is Life , not time. Let's learn to Live, and use Time to assess human punctuality and for a guide in the space of life.
Finally, I will give you an example.
We, having come from lunch, tell a colleague what we ate.
"It was wonderful. Soup, vegetable salad and fish with a side dish. At the same time, everyone reasonably understands the average portion sizes for one person at lunch. Abstract, but understandable. The next day, the employee says that he ate 2 kilograms of tangerines the night before. And I understand everything - it's a lot! And I understand that this is nothing to eat. Why? Because the figure of 2 kilograms is an indicator and a guideline for understanding the volume, where everyone has their own measure and the “many-little” indicator. So time is like kilograms in tangerines.
Reference point. And everyone has 60 days - this is their own indicator - is it a lot or a little. Appreciate Life, Moments and Your Actions. Get up and go. Do and Imagine. At the same time, do not forget to set an alarm so as not to oversleep Life!