Beauty no longer requires sacrifice, it requires a good specialist who is in love with his work, ready to help you choose your own style, add zest to it, emphasize beauty and preserve youthful skin.
Karina Ross is a highly specialized makeup artist. She has worked with l'official, Vogue Russia, Cosmopolitan, vogue Milano magazines. He is the owner of the Grand Prix of the European Championship in Germany. Since 2004, she has been recognized as the World Champion in professional make-up in Milan.
After taking gold titles around the world, he returns to Russia. Starts teaching at the legendary Dolores beauty school. Trains future masters for internal championships and teaches the art of makeup. Working in the creative team "Dolores", which serves the central TV channels, gets on
1 all-Russian channel. She begins to develop unique images for artists and TV presenters, where Ekaterina Andreeva becomes her regular client.
Having received wide popularity, an invitation is received to work with Russian designer Valentin Yudashkin. Karina is engaged in the implementation of makeup ideas for Russian pop stars from Alla Borisovna to Vinokur. It was an annual project, with extensive preparation and interesting ideas.
Karina Ross does not stop developing her talent and goes to get new knowledge at the leading fashion institute Maragoni in Milan. After studying at the faculty of fashion and fabric design, Karina Ross was assigned to the leading fashion house Armani, where she participated in fashion shoots and shows. Having gained experience from the world's leading experts, he returns to Russia to realize his goals.
GP: Karina, how did the amateur make-up inherent in all female girls grow into a professional one?
KARINA: Make-up turned into a professional one when the film, television and fashion industries began to demand it. Many people know the fact that video and photography emphasize all the details, exaggerate the little things, so it was important to create a make-up that would be adapted to these factors. If we turn to the make-up that was inherent in theatrical productions, then there was no need for a sensitive technical performance, it was only necessary to paint over the shades so that the facial expressions and emotions of the actors could be seen by people from the audience. Therefore, professionals appeared who performed their work cleanly, symmetrically, in step with the times.
HP: What is beauty for you personally?
KARINA: Paying attention to the person,
my eye always appreciates the little things,
that create the image. Beauty is details, grooming and, of course, love for yourself and your body.
HP: How to become a successful celebrity makeup artist?
KARINA: Today, becoming a famous makeup artist has become much easier than at the time when I started doing it. For a startup, there are numerous social media platforms that can help develop talent, but for this you need to have a unique style and stand out from other masters.

GP: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the industry?
KARINA: I advise all make-up artists to start with a quality education, it is required by everyone, even the most talented ones. And remember, at that moment when you want to quit everything, you just need to set the pace and move on, learn and develop.
GP: You are a participant in numerous foreign competitions - what did they give you as a professional? Maybe there were some interesting offers that it was impossible to refuse?
KARINA: All the championships and competitions that I have passed have given me a huge experience in the form of speed and cleanliness of work. When you train for each of the competitions, you repeat those elements that are the most difficult and work out to a state of automatism. After victories in competitions, not only skills come, but also interesting offers. At the very beginning, I agreed to almost everything, and every time I entered a new stage, I started from scratch and won the attention of the public. To date, I have a balanced attitude to proposals, it should be worthwhile and interest me, so that I shift the responsibilities to assistants and start implementing it.
GP: You have a huge experience of working with the world's leading experts, a huge number of titles, training at the Maragoni Fashion Institute in Milan! Why didn't you stay abroad?
KARINA: It is difficult to answer these questions, you cannot take away my origin. I have a large family, many relatives, friends - this is all an integral part of life that draws me to my homeland. I want to say that, unlike Italy, there are a lot of opportunities in Russia. I returned to raise the quality of domestic services and bring them to the international level.
HP: There are many non-professionals in the market. How can you understand that you have a good specialist in front of you?
KARINA: A fashion industry specialist is read from the first minutes of the meeting. Creativity emanates from him, he always speaks eloquently, looks good and is as well-groomed as possible. I never understood and did not relate to those people who believe that “it doesn’t matter what a specialist looks like, the main thing is that he is a specialist.” I consider this judgment to be erroneous. A person who wants to win attention must bring something of his own into this world, starting with his own style. The stylist needs to be evaluated according to external data, upbringing and intelligence. From communication with a person from the fashion industry, there will be a feeling that he is a “fanatic” of his activity, who never stops learning, developing and is always in the process of learning. A good stylist is interested in and studies the history of fashion. Because he knows that this is the foundation for the modern industry, which helps in working with clients and when launching a project.
GP: Can you develop a sense of style or is it natural? If it can be developed, how?
KARINA: I think that it is extremely difficult to develop artistic talent, for example, in a musician, but perhaps this requires potential and aspiration. If earlier only artists were admitted to the faculty of fashion institutes and without a portfolio they were not even enrolled in the course, now there is an opportunity to enter any “fashion house” and develop in the field of design, make-up or stylistics. But the really successful couturiers are those people who were born to be designers. They are always experimenting, trying something new, looking for their own style, making mistakes and creating again. It is important not to be based on classical design algorithms, but to create a collection with its own “zest”.
GP: What range of services do you provide? What exactly can you contact?
KARINA: I provide a wide range of services, as I combine a stylist, make-up artist and anatomical designer. As a beauty specialist, I am approached for the selection of procedures for facial modeling. Sometimes a client comes and says: “I am 40 years old, but I would like to remain at my age, but be beautiful and well-groomed in terms of appearance design.” In this case, I choose the right check-up for the patient. It specifies the recommendations and procedures to be followed. And also, they turn to me for a change of image. I can create a collection for a person, taking into account all trends, proportions and activities.
GP: What outdated ideas about fashion do you encounter most often?
KARINA: The most common idea that I meet is people's opinion that accessories should be color to color. This is the most banal thing, but it can be difficult to convince otherwise. Another outdated idea is natural fur as an indicator of luxury and wealth. I would like to note that in the West many have already abandoned natural fur, but in Russia love for such products is still common, and this has long been outdated. Sometimes, it is strange to hear from customers that they do not want to buy leatherette products. But in vain, this is a very high-quality product that helps to preserve nature and increase the population of endangered animal species.
HP: In your experience, what are the most common mistakes women make when choosing their wardrobe?
KARINA: The most common mistake in the selection is a back-to-back purchase. Even without excess weight, clothes that do not fit will add extra pounds. Another mistake is not combining things with age, external data and occupation. This problem occurs in both young girls and adults. Some people try to look older through clothes, while others want to “rejuvenate”. It resonates a lot and looks ridiculous.